



Our BranD

Our identity is rooted in understanding who we are and how we serve our clients. From this, we shape our distinct voice.

These guidelines help us utilize our voice both to consistently communicate First Republic’s products and services, physically and digitally, and to build strong awareness and recognition of our brand in an exceedingly competitive marketplace.

I am the written and spoken embodiment of all that is First Republic. Listen. Read. Notice. And see that every “I” is dotted, every “T” is crossed, every word is painstakingly chosen to communicate a profound knowledge of our clients, a humble sense of appreciation for their business.


It is here, in this near obsession with the smallest of details, that you’ll find a brand that is personal, humble and refined.

I am the written and spoken embodiment of all that is First Republic. Listen. Read. Notice. And see that every “I” is dotted, every “T” is crossed, every word is painstakingly chosen to...


...communicate a profound knowledge of our clients, a humble sense of appreciation for their business. It is here, in this near obsession with the smallest of details, that you’ll find a...


...brand that is personal, humble and refined.


Throughout every client interaction — whether in person, in print, over the phone, through the app or online — we strive to be personal, humble and refined.Throughout every client interaction, we strive to be personal, humble and refined.

We Are...





We take the time to get to know our clients inside and out so that we understand fully where they are now in their financial journey — and where they want to be down the road.





We put our clients’ success at the center of all that we do and never boast or brag about our own. We are here to serve and to delight, not to be praised.





No matter how a client interacts with our brand — whether in person or online — they receive expert assistance delivered with an exquisite attention to detail. We strive for this with every client, in every interaction, every time.

From Our

Simple, but not easy

Writing in the First Republic voice is deceptively simple. (But that’s not to say that it’s easy.)

The general rule is to write like you talk.

Just as in face-to-face interactions, a conversational tone connects while buzzwords and jargon make people zone out.

And that sounds simple enough. Where the challenge comes in, however, is in infusing empathy while editing precisely.

All about empathy

Here, good writing is all about empathy

To empathize with the client is to make your copy readable and relatable.
And this is done by eliminating unnecessary phrases, stiff business terms and industry lingo.

When there’s an easy way to say something, use it.

Tell a story.

Remember: One example that connects with readers on an emotional level is better than a laundry list of details covering every possible angle.

Engage readers with real-life, relatable examples rather than impersonal facts and features. And lead with the benefit.

Who is your audience and what’s in it for them?

Don’t focus on how great the product or service is, or spend time trying to find a catchy or clever way of presenting the information.
Focus on the benefit a product or service delivers and communicate that in a straightforward, clear and concise manner.
Tell it like it is and get to the point.

A clear and simple tone builds trust and makes copy easier to understand, whereas vague generalizations have little impact.

Another good practice is to mix it up. Since most people skim, make it easy to pick out your main points.
Break up dense copy blocks with subheads, sidebars, bullets, charts, graphics and callouts.
Include clear calls to action. What do you want readers to do next? Make sure they know.

And use active voice and action verbs. Active voice is dynamic and easy to read, while passive voice makes reading a chore.
Active voice is also more powerful, as it shows accountability. In passive voice, the subject is being acted upon.

The final touch

Once you’ve brought empathy into your writing, check your work.

Remember: All it takes is one error to make your entire communication seem unprofessional.

Spend time reviewing your work to ensure that it aligns with our brand behaviors.
If it’s personal, humble and refined, it will be a true representation of the First Republic brand.

We strive to provide extraordinary service
— to every client, in every interaction, every time.

design & copy

A discussion on voice and tone would not be complete without an exploration of that place where design and copy intersect to create a cohesive brand experience.

The look encompasses the design aspect — everything from typography to photography.

The feel is all about how copy and design work together to evoke sentiment in the consumer’s mind to engage them and influence a buying decision.

How do you get there from here?

The Copywriter’s Shortcuts

Access one-liners, executive quotes and other Compliance-approved messaging.

Copywriting Guidelines

Discover complete writing guidelines and best practices, as well as information on how to access the Marketing Department’s AP Stylebook online account. To access the site, please email for login information.

Write for

Review First Republic conventions for writing copy for a digital user experience.

Write for

Review guidelines around social media copywriting best practices, including character count, calls to action and more for LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook.

Write for Testimonials

Take a deeper dive into how to craft compelling testimonials — our most powerful sales tool — and explore guidelines for a variety of applications.

Have questions or feedback?

For more copywriting guidelines, visit this site on your desktop.

For complete copywriting guidelines, visit this site on your desktop.