



Now that you know what makes the First Republic brand unique, it’s time to explore the day-to-day basics of the copywriter’s job.


Moving quickly to respond to a high volume of demand requires a firm grasp of where to find the most frequently used tools and operations best practices.

Disclosure Library

Nearly every piece of collateral you generate will contain at least one disclosure (usually more).

The Disclosure Library contains the disclosures we use the most in our communications.

These disclosures have been approved by Compliance and edited for grammar, punctuation, etc. When including a disclosure in your document, copy and paste directly from the Disclosure Library without making edits to the text.

If needed, please suggest an edit as a comment in the document for review and approval.

The disclosures are organized by line of business to mirror If you would like to suggest any changes to the Disclosure Library, please email

Server files and OneDrive Share

To ensure that files you are working on are immediately accessible to other team members, it is imperative that you save your files to the server and maintain working documents in applicable Workfront Review Files folders.

In addition, Word documents that will require group edits should be uploaded to OneDrive so that all editors are working from the most recent version.

Vendors who don’t have access to OneDrive should connect with their copy team lead regularly while on assignment to ensure that the most recent draft of a work in progress is in the hands of a First Republic team member.


To ensure maximum clarity and efficiency when completing a Workfront job, please follow these agreed-upon best practices.

  • Upload revised copy documents by “stacking” over the previous version in the Review Files folder.
  • Use the Reference Files folder for background materials only, not revisions.
  • Tag colleagues who are next in line either on the document or project level.
  • Ensure that you are tagging all relevant colleagues, including designers, stakeholders and anyone else who needs to weigh in or work with the copy.
  • Provide justification for significant edits to expedite revisions.

All content associated with a specific job should document the revision process both within and outside the platform. Take care to include all revisions, oral feedback, approvals and updates in the appropriate job.


All First Republic clients, regardless of age, background or other demographic factors, are high-achievers. In addition, many demonstrate a deep loyalty for — and love of — our brand. Please keep this in mind when writing copy as a way to truly connect with readers and demonstrate our understanding of their goals and perspective.

What’s more, you are encouraged to bookmark this page and refer to it frequently when creating client-facing collateral. Please also refer to our downloadable style guide for further insights into First Republic client personas.


Sometimes it’s OK to recycle copy that’s been used before. Here you’ll find a repository of trusted one-liners, positioning statements, executive quotes, correspondence and alternatives to buzzwords, all of which have been brand-approved.

One-liners and positioning

Several one-liners and positioning statements have been approved by Marketing and Compliance. These can be used as openers, closers, segues and ways to jump-start the writing process.

We aim to be the only bank our clients will ever need.


At First Republic, our commitment is to extraordinary, personalized service. It’s the cornerstone of our success and the reason our growth is directly tied to referrals from satisfied clients.


Our goal is to take the stress out of banking, tailor our products and services to fit individual needs and schedules, and build long-term relationships.


Our clients say it best.


We’re here for you in the moments that matter most.


For a personal approach to banking, contact your
First Republic banker.


Bank from anywhere, anytime with the
First Republic app.


First Republic Banking Online is fast, flexible and convenient.


Quick decisions, tailored solutions. Whatever your business needs, First Republic can help.


We’re proud to serve our communities.


Executive quotes

These executive quotes embody First Republic’s dedication to service and commitment to our clients.

“First Republic has always been about good quality. It’s not ever been about size. The size and growth are a result of quality — the quality of service that everybody delivers every day.”


James H. Herbert, II Founder and Executive Chairman

“Our business model of providing exceptional service to our colleagues, clients, and communities is a reflection of our values and drives our consistent, sustainable growth. Doing the right thing and creating shareholder value are one and the same at First Republic.”


James H. Herbert, II Founder and Executive Chairman

“There are no businesses, only people.”


James H. Herbert, II Founder and Executive Chairman

“It’s all about quick decisions, customized solutions, and extraordinary service.”


James H. Herbert, II Founder and Executive Chairman

“Our service culture is a reflection of our values and the driver of our sustainable growth. Doing the right thing and creating shareholder value are one and the same at First Republic.”


James H. Herbert, II Founder and Executive Chairman

“An unwavering commitment to our clients, colleagues, and communities serves as the foundation of our business. Our success throughout the years has been built on this solid foundation.”


Michael J. Roffler, Chief Executive Officer, President, and Board Member

“Serve our clients. Serve them in an extraordinary way. Give them only things they need. Make sure you always keep their interests at the forefront.”


James H. Herbert, II Founder and Executive Chairman

View all


Below you’ll find a number of comprehensive resources available to help produce copy that’s well-written, refined and on brand.

First Republic follows the AP Stylebook, with some exceptions. Should you need to reference the AP Stylebook, please email for our login credentials at

In addition to the AP Stylebook, please please contact to request the latest version of the Proofreading Style Guide, and use Webster’s II New College Dictionary.

Naming conventions

It’s critical to have a single way of referencing the Bank across all customer touchpoints.

  • Never use “FRB” externally.
  • Never split “First Republic” or “First Republic Bank” across lines of text, in an image, or in a module title.
  • Always capitalize all words in “First Republic Bank,” except when referring to the website:
  • Do not use the Bank’s name as part of a compound modifier, which is two words connected by a hyphen, acting as one adjective.

Example: First Republic-related

  • Do not capitalize the word “bank” when it is used to mean a generic bank; only use “the Bank” as an abbreviation for First Republic Bank.
  • Use “Preferred Banking Office” (never “branch” or “PBO”). After the first spelled-out instance, it’s OK to use “office” if there is a character limitation.

Academic degrees

  • If mention of degrees is necessary to establish someone’s credentials, the preferred form is to avoid an abbreviation and instead use a phrase.

Example: John Jones, who has a doctorate in psychology

  • Lowercase majors and degrees, and eliminate periods from the abbreviations (BA, MA, etc.).
  • Use an apostrophe in bachelor’s degree, a master’s, etc.… but there is no possessive in bachelor of arts and master of science. Also: an associate degree (no possessive).
  • Use abbreviations such as BA, MA, LLD, MBA and PhD only when the need to identify many individuals by degree on first reference would make the preferred form cumbersome. Use these abbreviations only after a full name — never after just a last name.
  • When used after a name, an academic abbreviation is set off by commas.

Example: John Snow, PhD, spoke.

  • Do not precede a name with a courtesy title for an academic degree and follow it with the abbreviation for the degree in same reference.


  • Spell out and capitalize First through Ninth when used as street names; use figures for 10th and above.

Example: 7 Fifth Avenue, 100 21st Street

  • Abbreviate compass points used to indicate directional ends of a street or quadrants of a city in a numbered address. Do not abbreviate if the number is omitted. No periods in quadrant abbreviations.

Abbreviate: 222 E. 42nd St., 562 W. 43rd Street, 600 L St. NW

Do not abbreviate: East 42nd Street, West 43rd Street, K Street Northwest

  • Use periods in the abbreviation P.O. for P.O. Box numbers.
  • Spell out the names of states in body copy unless they’re part of addresses, in which case use the two-letter, all-cap abbreviation. If not part of an address, spell the state out and set it off with parenthetical commas when used with a city name.

If part of addresses: San Francisco, CA 94104

If not part of an address: San Francisco, California, is a great city.

Titles of works

Apply these guidelines to computer and video games, movies, operas, plays, poems, record albums, songs, radio and television programs, lectures, speeches, and works of art.

  • Capitalize principal words. Verbs are always capitalized, including all forms of the verb “to be,” no matter how short.
  • Prepositions and conjunctions of any length should be lowercase.
  • Capitalize an article — the, a, an — or words of fewer than four letters if it is the first or last word in a title.
  • Put quotation marks around the names of all such works except the Bible and books that are primarily catalogs of reference material. In addition to catalogs, this category includes almanacs, directories, dictionaries, encyclopedias, gazettes, handbooks, and similar publications.


“The Star-Spangled Banner,” “Time After Time,” the NBC-TV “Today” program, the “CBS Evening News,” “The Jimmy Fallon Show”

Reference works:

Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language, Second Edition

Websites and apps:

The names of most websites and apps are capitalized without quotes: Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter.

Book, magazine, and newspaper names:

Names of long-format works, newspapers, magazines, movies, plays, ballets, operas, symphonies, and TV shows should appear in italics. Use lowercase “magazine” unless it is part of the publication’s formal title: Harper’s Magazine, Newsweek magazine, Time magazine.


Reference material and sociopolitical or legal documents do not need to be italicized.

Dates and times

  • Dates are written without ordinals.

Example: Tuesday, October 6, 2023 (not Tuesday, October 6th, 2023)

  • Please note that if the sentence does not end right after the year of a full date, then a comma is needed after the year. But a comma is not needed if only the month and year, or month and date, are used.

A comma is needed: It was August 5, 2023, when we went.

A comma is not needed: We met August 2023. July 4 is Independence Day.

  • Hours are written with figures, except for “noon” and “midnight.”
  • Times are written like this: 8:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m.
  • Time zones are written like this: ET, PT. Spell out uncommon time zones if they are unavoidable.

Frequently used words,
phrases and product

Below are words, phrases, and product names that are commonly used in our department. Please follow the spelling and capitalization as shown.

  • Use title case for product names.
  • Do not capitalize “account” if appending it to the product name (for example, ATM Rebate Checking account).
  • Do not create acronyms or abbreviations for First Republic’s name, accounts, products, services, resources, initiatives, programs, lines of business, divisions, offices, or subsidiaries.
  • account holder (two words)
  • ACH (Automated Clearing House)
  • ACH Direct Transmission
  • advisor (not adviser)
  • Armored Car and Cash Vault
  • ATM (not “ATM machine”)
  • ATM Card (not “ATM card”)
  • ATM Rebate Checking account
  • auto-populate
  • bank (generic), Bank (First Republic)
  • Banking Online (use initial caps when referring to a Bank product; use “online banking” when referring to online banking as a category)
  • Basic Checking
  • Bill Pay (not BillPay or Bill pay)
  • Business Analyzed Checking
  • Business Debit Card (not “Business debit card”)
  • Business Interest Checking
  • CD (Certificate of Deposit)
  • Classic Checking
  • Certificates of deposit (CDs)
  • Corporate Online Banking
  • co-worker
  • customer service (use generically since no department with that name exists at the bank)
  • customer support (use title case only when referring to designated customer support groups)
  • Banking Online Support (online and mobile)
  • Corporate Online Support (corporate customers)
  • Client Care Center (general help)
  • customize (not personalize)
  • cyberattack, cybersecurity, cyberspace, cyberthreat
  • DDA (Direct Deposit Account)
  • Deposit Account Control Agreements
  • Direct Image Cash Letter
  • Eagle Community Loan
  • e-bill
  • e-book
  • e-commerce
  • email
  • FAQ (not FAQs, as the “s” is already part of “Questions”)
  • FDIC-insured
  • financial institution (not “Financial Institution” or “FI”)
  • First Republic ATM Debit Card
  • First Republic financial institutions (not “First Republic Financial Institutions”)
  • (leave off the www.)
  • fixed-rate loan
  • full range, full site, complete range (OK for Bank products and services; not for online or mobile services)
  • full-service
  • healthcare
  • HELOC (home equity line of credit)
  • homebuyer, homebuying (one word)
  • indexes (not indices)
  • innovative (OK for Bank products and services; not for online or mobile services)
  • Insured Cash Sweep©
  • internet
  • intranet
  • Internet Security Health Check
  • Lockbox Services
  • log in (verb), login (noun)
  • long term (noun), long-term (adjective)
  • Merchant Card
  • Mobile Banking (initial caps when referring to a Bank product)
  • Mobile Check Deposit
  • Money Market Checking
  • Money Market Savings
  • nonprofit
  • online
  • Paid Check Imaging
  • Passbook Savings
  • password
  • PLOC (Personal Line of Credit)
  • Positive Pay
  • Preferred Banker (not Personal Banker)
  • Preferred Banking Office (not branch; PBO used internally only)
  • prepayment
  • Private Banking
  • Private Business Banking
  • Private Wealth Management
  • Remote Deposit Services/Capture
  • RSVP (not R.S.V.P.)
  • short term (noun), short-term (adjective)
  • Simplified Business Checking
  • stand-alone (adjective)
  • startup
  • tailor (not personalize)
  • toward (not towards)
  • Traditional, Roth and SEP IRA
  • username
  • U.S. (adjective), United States (noun)
  • variable-rate loan
  • Wealth Management (initial case when referring to Bank affiliates or services)
  • web, webcast, webinar, webpage, website
  • well-being
  • ZIP code
  • 10b5-1 Plan
  • 401(k)
View all

Headings, subheadings,
and calls to action

Headings and subheadings

  • As a general guideline, headings and subheadings are written in sentence case, in which only the first letter of the title is capitalized.

Example: This heading is written in sentence case.

  • Use a period at the end of a heading or subheading if it is a complete sentence. Use question marks appropriately.

Example: This subheading is properly punctuated.

  • Below is an incomplete list of words that are not capitalized in headings and subheadings.

Do not capitalize: a, an, and, at, by, for, in, nor, of, on, out, so, the, to, up, yet

Calls to action (CTAs)

  • Calls to action (CTAs) are treated like subheadings and should always be in sentence case. As such, punctuate accordingly if they are complete sentences.

Example: Learn more.

  • Do not add a period if the CTA ends with a URL or email address.


  • For a short list of items that do not need to be emphasized, include the list within a sentence. Use a colon to precede the list if it is introduced by a full sentence.
  • Use commas to separate list items unless the items themselves contain commas, which would necessitate semicolons for clarity. The last item in the list needs a conjunction like “and” to precede it. See the Colons, Commas, and Semicolons sections in Punctuation for more information.

Numbered lists

  • For longer lists that need to be in a specific order, such as instructions, use numbers.
  • Try to limit numbered lists to no more than five items.

Bulleted lists

  • Listed items do not need to be in a specific order, use round, solid, black bullets.
  • Bulleted lists should have at least three items.
  • List items should not have end punctuation unless they are complete sentences. If there is a combination of incomplete and complete sentences, reword to make them parallel in construction.
  • Sublists should use different bullets and numbers/letters than those used in the preceding level. A list using numerals should have a sublist using lowercase letters. A list using bullets should have a sublist using open circle bullets.
  • Capitalize the first word of each item in a bulleted list.


  • In print collateral, write out numbers one to nine as words, except for numbers used with units of measure. Numbers 10 and up are written as numerals.
  • Numbers in the digital space should be expressed as numerals.
  • Millions and billions: Always use numerals with a dollar amount: $1.3 million, $7 billion. Without a dollar amount, one to nine as words, 10 and up as numerals.

With a dollar amount: $1.3 million, $7 billion

Without a dollar amount: nine million members, 27 million visitors

  • Use a comma in numbers of four digits or more.

Example: 1,024


  • Use a lead zero for numbers less than 1. All numbers except 1 are plural, including quantities less than 1.05 days.

For numbers less than 1: 0.25


  • State percentages as a numeral coupled with the % symbol.

Example: 15%

  • Regulated percentages, like APR, should be expressed as a numeral with at least two decimal places.

Example: 1.00% APR

Telephone numbers

  • When writing out a telephone number, use parentheses around the area code and separate the number with a hyphen. Precede extensions with a comma and “extension” (or “ext.” if space is an issue).

Example: (415) 123-4567, extension 123


Ampersands (&)

Do not use the ampersand in body copy as a replacement for “and” unless it is used as part of a proper name: S&P. Ampersands are also allowed in titles, headings, and subheads. Use spaces on both sides of the ampersand. If part of a proper name or standard expression, follow the proper name’s convention: R&D.


Apostrophes can be used to indicate possession: Paul’s book, the Smiths’ investment. Can also take the place of missing characters and spaces: can’t, ’97.


  • The most frequent use of a colon is at the end of a sentence to introduce lists, tabulations, texts, etc. Capitalize the first word after a colon only if it is a proper noun or the start of a complete sentence.

Example: He promised this: The company will make good on all the losses. But: There were three considerations: expense, time, and feasibility.

  • Emphasis: The colon often can be effective in giving emphasis.

Example: He had only one hobby: eating.

  • Introducing long quotations: Use a comma to introduce a direct quotation of one sentence that remains within a paragraph. Use a colon to introduce long quotations within a paragraph and to introduce a paragraph of quoted material.
  • Miscellaneous: Do not combine a dash and a colon.


  • Use commas to separate elements in a series, but do not put a comma before the conjunction in a simple series.

Example: The flag is red, white, and blue. He would nominate Tom, Dick, or Harry.

  • Use a comma also before the concluding conjunction in a complex series of phrases.

Example: The main points to consider are whether the athletes are skillful enough to compete, whether they have the stamina to endure the training, and whether they have the proper mental attitude.

  • With equal adjectives: Use commas to separate a series of adjectives equal in rank. If the commas could be replaced by the word “and” without changing the meaning, the adjectives are equal: a thoughtful, precise manner; a dark, dangerous street.
  • With salutation in correspondence: Although AP style recommends a colon after the salutation in business or formal letters, since our tone is friendly and familiar, we use a comma.

Example: “Hi, Name.” “Good afternoon, Name.”

  • With conjunctions: When a conjunction such as “and,” “but,” or “for” links two clauses that could stand alone as separate sentences, use a comma before the conjunction in most cases.

Example: She was glad she had looked, for a man was approaching the house.

  • Introducing direct quotes: Use a comma to introduce a complete one-sentence quotation within a paragraph.

Example: Wallace said, “She spent six months in Argentina and came back speaking English with a Spanish accent.”

  • Before attribution: Use a comma instead of a period at the end of a quote that is followed by attribution.

Example: “Swipe your card,” the banker suggested.

  • Using “that” or “which”: Do put a comma before “which.” Do not put a comma before “that.”

Example 1: Upcoming payment amount, which may include principle, interest, and escrow.

Example 2: Balance excluding transactions that are in process or pending.

  • With hometowns and ages: Use a comma to set off an individual’s hometown when it is placed alongside a name (whether “of” is used or not). If an individual’s age is used, set it off by commas.

Example 1: Tom Richards, San Francisco, California, and Brian Findlay, New York, New York, were there.

Example 2: Brian Findlay, 48, New York, New York, was present.

  • Names of states and nations used with city names

Example: His journey will take him from Dublin, Ireland, to Fargo, North Dakota, and back. The Selma, Alabama, group saw the governor.

  • With yes and no

Example: Yes, I will be there.

  • In direct address

Example: Name, I am running late. No, sir, I did not yet make the transfer.

  • Separating similar words: Use a comma to separate duplicated words that otherwise would be confusing.

Example: What the problem is, is not clear.

  • Placement with quotes: Commas always go inside quotation marks.
  • With full dates: When a phrase refers to a month, day, and year, set off the year with commas.

Example: February 14, 2023, is the target date.

  • Nonessential phrase: A nonessential phrase can be deleted without changing the meaning of a sentence.
  • Essential phrase: This type of phrase is necessary for the sentence to make sense. Do not set an essential phrase off from the rest of a sentence by commas.

Example 1: We saw the award-winning movie Titanic. (No comma, because many movies have won awards, and without the name of the movie the reader would not know which movie was meant.)

Example 2: They ate dinner with their daughter Julie and her husband, David. (Julie has only one husband. If the phrase read “and her husband David,” it would suggest that she had more than one husband.)

Example 3: The company chairman, Bill Gates, spoke. (In context, only one person could be meant.)

Em dashes

  • Abrupt change: Use dashes to denote an abrupt change in thought in a sentence or an emphatic pause. But avoid overuse of dashes to set off phrases when commas would suffice.

Example: Through her long reign, the queen and her family have adapted — usually skillfully — to the changing taste of the times.

  • In quote attributions: In stand-alone quotes, use an em dash and space before the name of the person to whom the quote is attributed.
  • With spaces: Put a space on both sides of an em dash in all uses except at the start of a paragraph.

En dashes

  • Ranges: If you cannot spell out a range, you can use en dashes without space when indicating “up to and including.”

Example: Chapters 8–12

  • As subtraction symbols: In arithmetic equations involving subtraction, use the en dash with spaces on both sides as the minus symbol.

Example: 4 – 1 = 3

Exclamation points

Do not use exclamation points. Exclamation points are not consistent with First Republic Bank’s brand message, voice, and tone.


Automatic hyphenation should be turned off so that we can control where and when we break a word across two lines.

Hyphens are joiners. Use them to avoid ambiguity or to form a single idea from two or more words. Use of the hyphen is far from standardized. It is optional in most cases — a matter of taste, judgment, and style sense. But the fewer hyphens the better; use them only when not using them causes confusion. Some guidelines:

  • Avoid ambiguity: Use a hyphen whenever ambiguity would result if it were omitted.

Example: The president will speak to small-businesspeople. (“Businessmen” is normally one word but “the president will speak to small businessmen” is unclear.) Other examples: He recovered his health. He re-covered the leaky roof.

  • Compound modifiers: When a compound modifier — two or more words that express a single concept — precedes a noun, use hyphens to link all the words in the compound except the adverb very and any adverb that ends in -ly.

Example: a first-quarter touchdown, a bluish-green dress, a full-time job, a well-known man, a better-qualified woman, a know-it-all attitude, a very good time, an easily remembered rule

  • Many combinations that are hyphenated before a noun are not hyphenated when they occur after a noun.

Example: The team scored in the first quarter. The dress, a bluish green, was attractive on her. She works full time. His attitude suggested that he knew it all.

  • But when a modifier that would be hyphenated before a noun occurs instead after a form of the verb to be, the hyphen usually must be retained to avoid confusion.

Example: The man is well-known. The woman is quick-witted. The kids are soft-spoken. The play is second-rate.

  • The principle of using a hyphen to avoid confusion explains why no hyphen is required with very and -ly words. Readers can expect them to modify the word that follows. But if a combination such as “little-known man” was not hyphenated, the reader could logically be expecting little to be followed by a noun, as in “little man.” Instead, the reader encountering “little known” would have to back up mentally and make the compound connection on their own.
  • Two-thought compounds: serio-comic, socio-economic.
  • Compound proper nouns and adjectives: Use a hyphen to designate dual heritage.

Use a hyphen: Italian-American, Mexican-American

No hyphen: French Canadian or Latin American

  • Avoid duplicated vowels, tripled consonants.

Example: anti-intellectual, pre-empt, shell-like

  • With numerals: Use a hyphen to separate figures in odds, ratios, scores, some fractions, and some vote tabulations. When large numbers must be spelled out, use a hyphen to connect a word ending in -y to another word.

Example: twenty-one, fifty-five

  • Suspensive hyphenation

Example: He received a 10- to 20-year sentence in prison.


In general, all complete sentences should end in a period unless they are questions. One exception is when a sentence stands alone and ends with a URL or a logo, such as our EHL bug. Only one space should follow a period. Footnote markers come after periods, but trademark symbols come before.

Quotation marks

  • In general, place periods and commas inside, but semicolons and colons outside, quotation marks.

Example 1: You overuse the word “whatever”; I overuse the word “like.”

Example 2: He signed it as “S”.

  • Question marks go inside the quotes if they are part of what is being quoted. They go outside if they are not part of the quote. See the Titles of Works section for more information.

Example 1: She asked, “Why me?”

Example 2: Did you like the poem “Phenomenal Woman”?

  • Use double quotes, with single quotes within the double quotes if needed. Single quotes should not be used as a substitute for double quotes.

Example: He said, “No, you said, ‘Forget it.’”


  • In general, use the semicolon to indicate a greater separation of thought and information than a comma can convey but less than the separation that a period implies.
  • To clarify a series: Use semicolons to separate elements of a series when the items in the series are long or when individual segments contain material that also must be set off by commas. Note that the semicolon is used before the final “and” in such a series.

Example: He is survived by a son, John Smith, of Chicago; three daughters, Jane Smith, of Wichita, Kansas, Lauren Smith, of Denver, and Nicole, of Boston; and a sister Ashley, of Omaha, Nebraska.

  • To link independent clauses: Use a semicolon when a coordinating conjunction such as “and,” “but,” or “for” is not present. If a coordinating conjunction is present, use a semicolon before “it” only if extensive punctuation is required in one or more of the individual clauses.

Example 1: The package was due last week; it arrived today.

Example 2: They pulled their boats from the water, sandbagged the retaining walls, and boarded up the windows; but even with these precautions, the island was hard-hit by the hurricane.

  • Placement with quotes: Place semicolons outside quotation marks.


  • Avoid using the slash to mean “and/or” and just rewrite the copy. Often, “and” or “or” would suffice. If the slash cannot be avoided, then use spaces around it if the options are multiword compounds, but do not use spaces when the options are just single words.

Example 1: typing/writing

Example 2: First Republic / First Republic Investment Management


Never use double spaces. Double spacing at the end of sentences and after colons was initially a practice when typewriters were in use. Today, however, word processors automatically create an extra space after a period.

For this reason, double spacing manually results in a triple space after a period, which creates what’s known as “rivers” down a page of text — an unsightly result that makes the brand appear out of touch and outdated.

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Individuals’ Names and

  • Use headline case for business titles.
  • Use a person’s full name for the first instance. For employees, use the appropriate courtesy title, Mr. or Ms., for all other instances; for clients, use the first name only.

Disclosures and

Do not write new disclosures. Up-to-date and Compliance-approved disclosures are posted in the Disclosures Library on Smartsheet. For access, email

Have questions or feedback?